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Resurfacing Of Kitchen And Bath Cabinets



Cabinet resurfacing or repainting is a cost effective way to modernize your cabinets at a cost savings.


Having them refinished verses replaced is less invasive, meaning we won’t be tearing up your whole kitchen. Your Countertops may not need replacing, and in most cases can be completed in 4-7 days.


We remove all doors and drawers and hardware, label them, prep by sanding both sides then degrease. Finally we spray primer, and put the finish coat on in your choice of top quality material, you choose gloss,semi gloss, satin. In this stage you can make hardware changes if you want different pulls, or soft close hinges.


Finally we put door, drawers hinges pull back together so you can enjoy your fresh look.




Bathtub Resurfacing



A vast majority of homeowners, when faced with having to do something about the look of their bathtub, are faced with two options: purchasing an entirely new bathtub, or purchasing a new tub liner.


Both of these options are less than ideal. With the former, you will be forced to fix any damaged tiles, framework, and more that may have been hidden by your tub, as well as paying for removal and installation of a new, costly, unit. For the latter, you’re looking to repeatedly spend hundreds of dollars for a short-term band-aid to your tub problems.


Many homeowners overlook the viable, cost-effective, long-term option of having their bathtub resurfaced. This process may also be referred to as reglazing or refinishing, but they all basically mean the same thing.


Essentially, resurfacing your bathtub is a process that involves fixing what you have, not just covering up the damage or replacing the entire unit. Any cracks or holes will be repaired, and a new coat of enamel will be applied after proper cleaning and etching. This process can be completed entirely in-home, no removal and reinstallation required, and will only take a day or two in most instances depending on the extent of damage.


The best part about resurfacing is that it’s far less expensive than purchasing a new unit, which will likely be smaller or shallower than your original bathtub. Additionally, you won’t have to worry about purchasing a new liner repeatedly to hide the damage, since your tub will be fixed and the enamel coating will bond directly to the tub.




Resurfacing Shower Surrounds and Tiles



There are a lot of reasons you might decide to resurface your shower surrounds and tiles, and it can seem like a daunting task to try to do it yourself. But even when you hire a professional team to take on the task, it’s still much more economical than having to purchase and install an entirely new shower surround and the tile for it.


New finish on your surrounds and tiles will give your bathroom a refreshed, attractive look that you, your family, and your guests will love and appreciate for years to come. Professional resurfacing, especially on glass or ceramic tiles, will look particularly fantastic while also lasting for years more than those just touched up with fresh paint or epoxy.


This holds equally true for your shower surrounds, which will shed basic coats of paint or finish quickly and need to be reapplied more frequently. Having a professional team resurface your shower surrounds and tiles may be more costly than doing it yourself, but it will last for many years before it needs attention again due to the process used and will look great the entire time.




Countertop Resurfacing and Refining



Your kitchen countertops are another area that sees a lot of use, and thus they will endure a lot of abuse over the years. From wayward knives digging into the counter surface to scorch marks from heated pots or pans, your counter’s luminous finish may begin to wear away after some time, and might begin to start holding in odors, stains, grease, and food particles that no amount of scrubbing will get rid of. In fact, strenuous scrubbing may even make the problem worse.


Resurfacing and refining your kitchen countertops is a fantastic alternative to buying entirely new tops. Depending on the counter’s surface material, you can either resurface it or refine it, and either option will only cost you a fraction of what a full replacement will.


Materials that you will primarily want to resurface are those like cultured marble, faux stone, laminate, and possibly glass. Wood countertops, whether original or reclaimed, should be refined rather than resurfaced. Countertops that are tiled will need the tile to be removed and sanded or will need layers of resin or epoxy to smooth it out for resurfacing.


If your countertop is made of natural stone, or another porous material, you may have to seek a specialist to resurface or refine it. This is simply because not every professional is comfortable with or equipped to resurface or refine an especially porous material.


A proper professional resurfacing or refinishing will leave your countertops looking as beautiful as when they were first installed. Or, you may opt to change the look entirely, in which case they can be modeled to fit whatever aesthetic direction you’d like to take your kitchen in. In either case, a professional job will guarantee that your kitchen looks magnificent and the counters will last you for years, even decades, to come.




Bathroom and Kitchen Sinks Can be Resurfaced, too!



Your sinks, both in the bathroom and kitchen, also tend to see a lot of frequent use and cleaning. From toothpaste strains to acidic foods, you can expect the protective enamel of your sinks to corrode away over time, and with regular cleaning and scrubbing in these areas, the process is only sped along depending on the abrasiveness of not only your scrubbing but also the chemicals you choose to use.


You can replace the sinks, if you’d like. But then you have to handle the inconvenience and cost of removing and recycling the sink, buying a new one, and having it properly installed, not to mention addressing any hidden damage to your floors, counters, and walls that will become very apparent upon removal.


The greatest alternative to replacing the sinks altogether would be to resurface them. Not only does this save you money in removal and installation costs, but you won’t have to buy an entirely new sink, which is a task all its own.


You can resurface and refresh any type of sink, from porcelain to aluminum, but be sure to let your professional know exactly what type you have when you call to set up a consultation appointment. It will help to give you a better cost estimate, as well as ensure that your professional comes with the right tools for the job. By the end, you will have an attractive, functional sink again!